
Diabetic Edge is a nonprofit (501c-3) organization with the mission to serve diabetics and their families by providing them with education, inspiration and support. There are an estimated 30 million people in the USA who have been diagnosed with the disease and even more “prediabetics”. It is an existential threat to our health. 

Nearly all funds raised by Diabetic Edge, either via benefactor donation or educational product sales, go toward paying and sustaining talented scientific researchers, writers, designers, video producers and others to produce high quality, inspiring and educational materials to support our mission. Their charter is to turn a sea of information into digestible and actionable insights for the community. We are not a clinic and nor do we provide medical advice or employ practitioners to treat the disease. 

HL Menken once wrote. “ for every complex problem there is an obvious and simple solution that is wrong”. I believe that. When it comes to solving the diabetic problem, there are no silver bullets.  Our goal is to synthesize the good work that is being done by many, make it understandable for the common person and disseminate it.  Our chief scientist, Ken Russell began this effort to “connect the dots” by sorting through thousands of scientific journal abstracts.  Ken is a “freak” of sorts.  Not only was he afflicted with diabetes and another “iron loading” disorder but he had the curiosity, grit and intelligence to review thousands of abstracts. Of course he will tell you that his life was at stake. 

As a diabetic (type 2), I realize that there are many people who haven’t a clue or real understanding about the nature of this disease because I have been one of them.  Like me, many diabetics will see a board certified physician or endocrinologist for 20 minutes every 3 – 6 months.  That means taking periodic blood tests, reviewing medications and being told I should exercise more.  Often, medications like Metformin are prescribed that can help manage the disease. Those with more serious symptoms might take forms of insulin. Many will spend thousands of dollars in either their money or that of their insurance company to manage their symptoms. 

We all know that good diet and  regular exercise help…and often that is the rub. This means that we all need hope that what we do will make a difference and develop sustainable habits.  The three things we offer are education, inspiration and support tools. Education includes journal article reviews, explainer videos, interviews and book summaries. We also offer success stories and psychology “life hacks” to keep you motivated.  And then there is the food. 

I am joined by some amazing team members.  Ken Russell has sifted through thousands of scientific articles and has been my inspiration in creating this community. Ed Nemeth co-developed diagnostic techniques at Tufts Medical School that have saves thousands of lives since 1986.  Michael Zarifes, having worked in Hollywood, has serious expertise in producing educational videos. 

How you can support the community. 

  • Join our mailing list. It’s FREE!  And we will start sending you periodic newsletters with health and wellness insights.


  • Become a Sponsor/Member –  It’s tax deductible and it can make a difference in your life and others. Help us “pay it forward” We have several recommended donation levels but are thankful for anything you are able to do.  It is your generous support that will allow us to provide sustainable value for the community.  Receive special gifts and recognitions.


  • Provide Insights and Inspiration – We want to know about  your story and your experience. This is your community. 

Thriving with Diabetes!

Executive Director